Lowering Grocery Bills on a Tight Budget, Part 2
In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on how those faced with a tight financial budget can save money within the food and grocery realm. Costs in this area can add up over a given month, but with the right attention to detail and discipline, you can reduce your grocery bills significantly and save funds for other needs like debt repayment.
At 1st Choice Money Center, we’re here to help with a variety of advance cash loans for those who may be in a temporary financial bind, including signature loans, car title loans and several other great alternatives to predatory payday loans (which we don’t offer). In today’s part two of our series, we’ll go over a few other belt-tightening methods we can recommend when it comes to food and groceries to help you limit your spending and keep your overall finances in a good place.
Food Inventory
Where possible and realistic, look to build up a stockpile of certain foods or ingredients. We’re talking mostly about non-perishable items that won’t spoil if you save them for a period of time, including rice, pasta, beans, canned items and several others.
You can even hit this same theme with many perishables that can be frozen, such as bread, meats, poultry and many vegetables. Creating a stockpile of these items limits the need for you to hit the grocery store often – this, in turn, limits your impulse spending and also the gas you use going to and from your grocer. If possible, you want to build up an inventory that will last at least a couple months.
Weekly Menu
Down similar lines, using both your long-term inventory and recently-purchased items, spend some time each week either formulating a specific menu or at least outlining many of your major at-home meals. While it’s fine to have an impulsive meal here or there, you’ll save yourself time and money if you have some recipes set out in advance. If you live with family, get their input and ensure everyone has their say on the weekly menu.
Minimize Food Waste
Finally, one major area to consider here is limiting your wasted food. A shocking statistic reveals that in the United States, roughly 40% of the food produced is thrown away – but you can do much better than this with a diligent effort, and save yourself some big money in the process. Think about the other areas where you could apply funds if you reduced your wasted food down to 10% or something even lower.
For more on how to save money on monthly groceries to improve your finances, or to learn about any of our installment or short-term loans, speak to the staff at 1st Choice Money Center today.